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The hottest Android libraries

Testing libraries in production takes time and could be painful. Let me help you with this task! Here is my list of the hottest Android libraries out there!

DockerCon Barcelona

DockerCon Europe 2015 was a two-day conference in Barcelona. It reflected Docker’s blooming ecosystem and community. This edition was by far the largest Docker-centric event happening in Europe.

Tech Jump – mentoring program kick off

Tech Jump is the pilot of mentoring program in Schibsted Tech Polska – Academy project. The idea is to allow people to switch the technology or just to get to know another one.

AWS: Services overview and global infrastructure

This article is a very short introduction to Amazon Web Services. It includes a video filmed during the workshops I was teaching at Schibsted Tech Polska. 

FullStack 2015

If you are a front-end developer then FullStack 2015 organized by Skills Matter was a perfect event to meet the international JavaScript community and learn new skills.

Is your data that shiny?

Everything changes quickly and that’s an obvious fact. It also applies to data. It’s time to ask yourself a very important question: is your analysis as agile as your user? Is it still as shiny and relevant as you thought?

Zen Of Refactoring

These days microservices are all at rage. Everyone writes “small reusable components”. This is why proper refactoring techniques are still as relevant today as they were couple of years ago.

Training Junior Developers

Hiring programmers is hard. Finding the good ones and making them like your company or project is even harder. Today I want to tell you something about training junior developers.

What makes Docker so good?

I’ve been using Docker for one year to develop and deploy both professional and pet projects. I find it be a lot better than my previous stack, which was a tandem of Vagrant and Puppet. Why? Watch the video to learn about top 5 reasons why I like Docker!

Retrofit 2.0: what’s new?

Retrofit is a HTTP client library for Android created by Square. In this post we will cover the new version of Retrofit introduced by Jack Wharton during Droidcon NYC 2015 and what has changed in it.

Testing react-native components with Jest

It’s going to be a story about tackling problems on the way to run unit tests using react-native. It’s one of these stories when we don’t even know what is the question, so it’s difficult to ask Google. It’s a story of how to test react-native components with Jest.

10 features coming in Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap is one of the most popular front-end frameworks and open source projects in the world. The official Bootstrap Blog announced that the new version is coming soon. Stay calm because this is just an alpha version. If you want to know what’s new, read our list of 10 features in