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Redux. Concept over implementation

redux concept over implementation

Since the concept of adapting MV* architectures to JavaScript never felt quite right, I started dabbling with various Flux implementations. Subsequently I got drawn towards Redux, which in my mind took all the good parts and combined them into a lightweight and easy-to-use solution.

Rich TextView styling with spans for Android

I was recently inspired by Lisa Wray and her presentation at the Droidcon NYC conference – Beautiful Typography on Android. I am going to show you how to use spans to enrich the TextView component. It’s based on a true story 🙂

6 popular websites powered by Symfony2

Symfony2 is one of the most popular backend web frameworks. Some people doubt whether it can be used for popular, high traffic websites. To dispel these doubts I prepared the list of 6 successful websites powered by the Symfony framework.

Programming Android with Kotlin

I had 8 years of experience in Java when I decided to start using Kotlin for my Android projects. It happened after I joined the Omni team in Schibsted Tech Polska. Let me tell you what I learned.

Mocking Amazon SQS with ElasticMQ

This article presents our experience with using ElasticMq as a substitution for Amazon Web Service’s Simple Queue Service (SQS) for black box testing of a single microservice application.

The Open Source Convention (OSCON) 2015

OSCON is a convention where all of the pieces come together: developers, innovators, businesspeople, and investors. It’s about real-world practices and how to successfully implement open source in your workflow or projects. I was there and I’m happy to share with you my insights into this year’s events. OSCON 2015 Every year

Droidcon NYC 2015 – Day two and a final note

Time has come to cover the second day of Droidcon NYC conference. If you haven’t seen the first day coverage you can catch up here.

Droidcon New York City 2015 – Day one

Droidcon NYC is the biggest Android event out there, purely Android content. This is a short summary of the day one talks I’ve been lucky to attend. There were best world android developers among the speakers!

Git Bisect: Bug hunting on steroids

This a video about a tool that we all have at hand, but only few of us use it. The sad thing is that those who do, do it so rarely that they forget to spread the knowledge. Meet the super powers of Git Bisect, which will speed up your bug hunting processes.

How switching to SVG simplified our work

This is not an article about the pros and cons of using icon fonts vs SVGs. This is however, an article about why migrating to SVG greatly simplified the process of adding and managing the icons used in our common set.

Browser prototyping #2: Scaffolding prototypes with Material Design

We are building systems for the web, and as UX designers, we should keep our design deliverables within the browser. Browser prototyping is a concept of creating prototypes within the users’ native environment.

Confessions of a back-end developer

Change is a nasty little thing. It starts with a call to adventure, and the more you ignore it, the more it nags at you. I was a happy back-end developer dreaming her life in C#. I came to like the predictability of developing APIs. I even had my truce