The long awaited hot season is finally here! But how to get the most out of it? See what’s going on on the Krakow tech stage and prepare a list of worthwhile events.
It’s easy to get lost when there is so many tech events going on and new ones constantly popping up like mushrooms after the rain. Which ones are worthwhile? We’ve checked it for you!
The annual Google I/O conference for Android developers brought great news – Kotlin is now an officially supported, first-class programming language. What does it mean for the world of Android development?
XML-generating code in Kotlin may not be readable enough by default. Thankfully, using Kotlin extension functions and lambdas with receiver, we can improve it significantly.
In this part of the series “Realm Mobile Platform: Offline-first TaskManager app”, we are going to implement authentication mechanism in our TaskManager app. The article includes both email and Facebook mechanisms!
Serverless architecture sounds awkward when you hear it for the first time. One might think. – Hold on! So, how to execute my code? There’s no server, really? Where is the catch? This article describes our experience we gained during our recent adventure with AWS Lambda – the serverless architecture
This fourth article in the series is all about the front page challenge. What are the scenarios behind the front pages? How does this mechanism even work? Read on to find out!
Separation of concerns, content stacking, priorities…. These are my keywords of today. I hope that this article will give you a broad understanding of two things – the decision-making process that leads to the layout of the front page and what our library, called CHINOOK, does.
In this part of the tutorial we are going to learn how to set up our Realm Object Server (launched on Ubuntu 16.04 Amazon EC2 instance) which will provide an automatic data synchronization and authentication for our app.
This article presents our experience and practices we got while working with MySQL engine running on Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). I focus especially on the connection layer and tweaking of Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool.
In this part of the series we are going to focus on implementing basic Realm support to the TaskManager app by using Realm Mobile Database. Part 1: REALM MOBILE PLATFORM: OFFLINE-FIRST TASKMANAGER APP – INTRO Part 3: REALM MOBILE PLATFORM: ANDROID “TASKMANAGER” – REALM OBJECT SERVER Part 4: REALM MOBILE PLATFORM:
This article is the first one in a series of five. Each part will describe the steps of building offline-first TaskManager app with realtime synchronization. Part one is devoted to defining the technology stack and the UI of the app. Part 2: REALM MOBILE PLATFORM: OFFLINE-FIRST TASKMANAGER APP – BASICS