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Life at Schibsted

Showing 1-12 of 24 results

Results for category: Life at Schibsted close

Women in the world of technology. Explore their backgrounds

  Time to make it clear – the industry is gender-free. Then why is there a shortage of women in the IT sector? Most likely because we still follow some social beliefs that science is reserved exclusively for men, and a typical programmer is a single introvert in his thirties.

When Scala encounters big data!

Meet the SPP Apps Android Team at Schibsted!

Creating the best native mobile news experience for Scandinavian publishers.

10 years Anniversary Gala of Schibsted Tech Poland

Meet the Mittanbud Team at Schibsted!

Working at Mittanbud – the largest tender service in Norway

Meet the Admarket Team at Schibsted!

Admarket – the simplest and quickest way for advertisers to reach the Nordic population.

Is the Scandinavian work model popular in Poland?

Interview with Wojtek and Krzysiek from our SEALS team.

Meet the Inventory Team at Schibsted!

The advertising world is much more complicated than one might think.

Schibsted Tech Talk #2

Tym razem porozmawiamy o trendach w IT, które mogę wpłynąć na zmianę kariery.

November – a month of moustache

How does the Privacy Services team at Schibsted work?

Allowing users to control their own data.

Mental health and the well-being of employees – the basis of a healthy organization