All posts by
Adrian Kąkol
Software Engineer, Gdańsk
Temperature sensor library for Raspberry Pi written in Go
Adrian Kąkol April 13, 2022This article explains how to build a simple Go library for the Ds18b20 temperature sensor without using any external repositories besides Go built-in libraries. Project components This small project comprises: Devices and components: Ds18b20 temperature sensor (more details: https://bit.ly/3IWEhn0 ) 4.7k Ohm resistor Raspberry Pi 2B (should also work fine
Code with us #01 – Onboarding UI for Beginners
Adrian Kąkol December 29, 2020In this episode we will build together an onboarding component, which introduces users to functionalities of your application. Onboarding UI is a typical way to show advantages of your app as well as to inform users about the benefits it gives to them. You can watch the video instead of
Code with us: Introduction to the Flutter crash course
Adrian Kąkol December 29, 2020Welcome to the brand new series of videos and blog posts prepared by our teammates that will guide you through your Flutter journey! Motivation We are excited to announce that we are launching our original Flutter course, in which we will be showing how to build some key parts which