Written by Adrian Kąkol
Software Engineer Gdańsk
Published December 29, 2020

Code with us: Introduction to the Flutter crash course

Welcome to the brand new series of videos and blog posts prepared by our teammates that will guide you through your Flutter journey!

flutter tutorial


We are excited to announce that we are launching our original Flutter course, in which we will be showing how to build some key parts which are included in most of Flutter’s mobile applications.

During our everyday work at Schibsted we face many problems so we would like to present some solutions to simple and more complex dilemmas that you can encounter during the development for mobile devices.

What is included?

In the following episodes of the series we will be covering an onboarding UI,
a global state, building a network status notification and many, many more useful features…
In each short episode we will build together a small chunk of an app, and at the end we will gather them together into one, fully functional application.
Every episode will have information about the complexity level of the presented subject.

As a result of the course we will gather created components into a Kudos application. With the main functionality of the app you will have a possibility to show gratitude to others by giving them kudos, browse the list of other people’s kudoses and exchange received kudoses for a reward.
In addition to that, you will be able to offer some rewards to others.


The idea is simple: share your kindness
and infect others with a positiveness.


Upcoming episodes

In the very first episode we will present an easy way to build an effective onboarding feature which introduces users into the functionalities of the application with enjoyable, swipeable screens, slides indicators and eye-catching animations. 

In the future episodes we will dig into subjects like modals, and global state provider, push notifications and integrating the app with an API. We will present a way to  detect network status and to show in-app notifications about it. Moreover, we will cover preparing grid and list views. We will also take a look at the internationalisation of our app.
Furthermore, when the app is finished, we will describe how to integrate with Fastline, how to setup CI/CD pipelines in order to automate a deployment process and how to release an app in stores.

Stay tuned for the next episode!

Warmest thanks to Karolina Zawadzka, Robert Fijałkowski and Krzysztof Len for taking part in the preparation of this series!

Written by Adrian Kąkol
Software Engineer Gdańsk
Published December 29, 2020