Written by John Einar Sandvand
Communications Manager - product & tech
Published November 14, 2016

Tour the future with Schibsted Future Report 2017

Artificial intelligence, driverless cars, Internet of Things, personalized news and virtual reality. Those are among the hottest trends for 2017 according to Schibsted Future Report 2017.

“AI has not just scored, but has already won the game.” 
Will driverless cars fuel a property crash?
“Publishers have to redefine journalism.” 

What does tomorrow have in store? Schibsted Media Group launches the Schibsted Future report 2017 to explore the most important trends within tech, business and our daily lives.

futurereport2Exploring the trends we see in technology, business, and people´s everyday lives, the Schibsted Future Report aims to illuminate what happens next. This year´s report features the ideas, research and case studies from more than 25 of Schibsted´s own experts.

“Collaboration is a theme throughout our third annual Future Report,” says Lena K. Samuelsson, EVP of Communications and CSR in Schibsted Media Group.

“Collaboration is also what we want to achieve with the Future Report. We want to share our ideas and stories with the world around us, and spark exciting conversations.”

Stuffed with facts

Did you know that 70 percent of Swedes have used their phone for paying for a product or service?

In Spain, the corresponding number is 44 percent, while in Italy it is 46 percent. In France, however, only 30 percent have used their phones to pay.

The report includes a unique survey on digital habits in Europe.

What to read

Here is a selection of articles from Schibsted Future Report 2017:

Read the full report at http://schibsted.com/futurereport

Written by John Einar Sandvand
Communications Manager - product & tech
Published November 14, 2016