Imagine you could go back in time. What advice would you give your younger self about how to do Java web development in a simpler and more efficient way?
That was the question the experienced Java developer Mateusz Kwasniewski from Schibsted Tech Polska asked himself.
His ten pieces of advice ended up as a presentation at the Java Developers Days – JDD in Krakow on October 13. JDD gathers several hundred Java enthusiasts each year. From Schibsted Tech Polska Tomasz Lelek is also presenting at the conference this year.
Tips to younger Java developers
In the video Kwasniewski gives practical tips about a number of different topics, such as:
- How to choose web libraries
- Use of DI/IoC containers
- Picking the right template engine
- Pragmatic web testing
- Question dependencies
- Steal as an artist
And as conclusion: Think like a freak!
Hungry for knowledge
Mateusz Kwasniewski leads a team in Schibsted Tech Polska developing mobile products for four Norwegian subscription newspapers.
– Our team tries to turn things upside down – and we love to question how things have been done before, he explains.
Hack day project gave faster mobile site

Mateusz Kwasniewski
And so also came the idea about how the mobile front page of the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten could load many times faster.
The team decided to see how far they could come on an internal hack day in Schibsted Tech Polska. And they succeeded. At the end of the day the team could demonstrate a version that loaded much faster than the existing mobile site.
A few months later the hack day project went into production. Today the project – named internally as Fastenposten (“fast Aftenposten”) – has launched faster mobile front pages for four media houses: Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad and Fædrelandsvennen.
Common sense
– What you learn after years of development is that common sense is not always common practice. In our team we try to keep things as simple as possible and use everything we have learned. Fortunately we are a team where everybody reads a lot!, says Mateusz Kwasniewski.
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