Written by John Einar Sandvand
Communications Manager - product & tech
Published December 16, 2014

Giving family in need a Merry Christmas

Acting with their hearts employees in Schibsted Tech Polska have decided to make this Christmas the happiest ever for a single mother and her four children. 

It started with Schibsted Tech Polska´s old offices in downtown Krakow. Our tenant was moving out and we were left with a refrigerator, dishwasher and some furniture we did not need.

– Let´s give it to someone who needs it, one employee suggested.

Szlachetna Paczka – non-profit charity

And so Szlachetna Paczka (“Honorable gift”) was contacted, a non-profit charity which each year helps lots of needy families in Poland.  Before families receive help, their situation has been carefully evaluated. Many companies and groups of people help needy each Christmas through this organization. In fact also Pope Francis prepared a package this year.

Schibsted Tech Polska decided to offer our help to a single mother in Krakow with four children. The family was in a dismal financial situation and had high costs paying for medicines for the oldest child.

But what started with a refrigerator and a dishwasher ended up as much more. Once the employees heard about the family engagement exploded. Almost everyone offered to contribute.

Szlachetna Paczka never hands out cash to the recipients, but always things the families actually need.

Astonishing engagement

The STP employees collected over 2700 PLN through its activities. From this amount a voucher will be bought for driving license for the oldest son. The employees hope this will help him find a part-time job, so that he can support the family. In fact so much money was collected that also another family will receive support from the STP employees.

– The engagement from our employees have been astonishing. People were very engaged, and many asked additional questions about the family so that gifts could be personalized, says Aleksandra Grzybowska, one of the employee representatives in Schibsted Tech Polska.

– Hopefully it will be the happiest Christmas ever for the family.

Gifts collected through Szlachetna Paczka

Gifts collected through Szlachetna Paczka. Photo: John Einar Sandvand


Preparing gifts. Szlachetna Paczka

Marcin Godyn, Kamil Wojciech and Aleksandra Grzybowska prepares Christmas gifts for the family.


A teddy bear for Christmas


Aleksandra Niemyska wraps one of the presents


Also useful things for the household were bought and wrapped by the employees. From left: Kamil Wojciech, Dominika Zmuda and Aleksandra Grzybowska


Kamil Wojciech and Pawel Piecyk preparing one of the boxes for the family

Many employees made cakes and other food to be sold to colleagues

Many employees made cakes and other food to be sold to colleagues


Marcin Godyn crushes the “piggybank” used for collecting money to the needy family


Employees collected 2700 PLN to help the family

Written by John Einar Sandvand
Communications Manager - product & tech
Published December 16, 2014