Written by John Einar Sandvand
Communications Manager - product & tech
Published October 8, 2014

Here are five presentations from our programmers

Get a quick overview of some of our projects right now. Here are short presentations from our last “Super Demo”. 

By John Einar Sandvand

Schibsted Tech Polska now has 15 different partner companies – almost all of them part of Schibsted Media Group.  The teams work with different technologies and products.

An essential part of the company philosophy is to share competence and experience between the teams and partners.

But how to do that?

One activity is our monthly Super Demos. Programmers give short presentations for each other about the projects they work on and how they use different technologies to solve the challenges.

Presentations are usually 3-5 minutes long – and on some super demos there can be up to 10 presentations in a row.

Here are five of the presentations from the last super demo in Schibsted Tech Polska.

Lykke – a celebratory announcements portal

Ads for births, weddings and anniversaries have always been an essential part of a subscription paper. But how to present the same celebratory announcements on digital platforms?

Lykke – meaning “happiness” – is a project developed for four subscription newspapers in Norway: Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad (will be branded Gratulerer) and Fædrelandsvennen.

Here is the presentation by Piotr Knapik, team leader for Schibsted Norge Digital:

Real-time analysis of click-streams

Many news stories live only for a few hours. Therefore it is important for journalists to have immediate data on how the stories are spreading on the web, for instance through social media.

To help the journalists understand how their stories spread the Aftenposten team in Schibsted Tech Polska has experimented with variety of big data technologies to create a tool for real-time analysis of click-streams.

Robert Tekielak is team leader for Aftenposten. Here is his presentation:

City guide for young people in Kristiansand

KRSBy.no is a city guide for the Norwegian city Kristiansand. The whole project was developed by the Krakow team of the local media house Fædrelandsvennen.

Here is the presentation by team leader Anna Danielewska-Tułecka and software engineer Rafał Kański:

Traffic app for Stavanger Aftenblad

As in many cities traffic can be a nightmare in Stavanger, Norway´s “oil capital”.  Therefore the media house Stavanger Aftenblad launched mobile app to help users alert each other about traffic jams.

Here is team leader Michał Płachta´s presentation about how the mobile app was developed by the Stavanger Aftenblad team in Schibsted Tech Polska:

Introduction to functional reactive programming

Several of our programmers are active in sharing their knowledge on conferences and workshops. One of them is Artur Skowroński

His latest presentation was at Meet.js Summit in Poznan. At our super demo he gave a summary of what he was going to present at the conference:







Written by John Einar Sandvand
Communications Manager - product & tech
Published October 8, 2014