Written by John Einar Sandvand
Communications Manager - product & tech
Published June 9, 2015

Thumbs up for cooperation with colleagues

Schibsted Tech Polska is a great place to work, according to the annual Schibsted Employee Survey. And no area scores higher than the cooperation with colleagues.

Schibsted Employee Survey shows that employees give the highest rating to cooperation with colleagues

Every year Schibsted Tech Polska takes part in Schibsted Employee Survery, a comprehensive questionnaire among employees in all Schibsted companies around the world. The survey is run by the Scandinavian HR company Ennova.

The main purpose of the survey is to measure employees satisfaction in different areas. Based on the results the company plans how it cam become an even better place to work.

In all areas Schibsted Tech Polska is putting itself far above the socalled European Employee Index for Polish companies.

High rate for cooperation

93 per cent of the employees participated in this year´s employee survey. The results from both 2014 and 2015 document that employees see Schibsted Tech Polska as a good place to work.

The highest scores are when employees are asked about the cooperation with their colleagues. Both “the professional cooperation with my colleagues” and “the general atmosphere/climate among my colleagues” get a score of 82 (maximum is 100). This is considered very high.

The employees are also asked specifically about the cooperation with their colleagues in Norway and Sweden – and also score this relationship on a similar level.

Growing reputation

reputationThe reputation of the company has been scored higher for each year in the employee survey.  In 2013, when the company was only a little more than one year old,  employees scored “Schibsted Tech Polska has a good image” at only 57. This year the similar score is 79.

“I am proud to tell others where I work” gets a score of 80.

CEO Stig A. Waagbø says:

“We have worked very hard to build a unique, open and innovative culture in Schibsted Tech Polska. Also we are present at many conferences, and share a lot of how we work through our website, newsletters, employees and other channels.   It is very good to see that these efforts are paying off.”

CEO Stig A. Waagbø presents the results of the employee survey  during the weekly Thursday breakfast meeting

CEO Stig A. Waagbø gives the latest information to employees during the weekly Thursday breakfast meeting

High engagement

“Engagement” and “loyalty” are scored at 70 and 71 respectively, up from 62 and 65 two years earlier.  The very important category “daily work” gets a score of 76. Employees are in particular satisfied with the physical environment of their work (score 82).

We are hiring!

Improvement areas identified

Although the general results from the Schibsted Employee Survey are very good, the company has identified several areas where it needs to improve.  For instance the survey points out issues that specific development teams need to work on, such as low engagement or dissatisfaction with the daily tasks.

“We are very satisfied with the overall employee survey results this year – and see that they are far above the Polish benchmark provided by Ennova. However, we still need to work hard to maintain such a high level and maybe even improve it next year,” says CEO Stig A. Waagbø.

Investing in personal development

developmentOne of the most important action areas is how to give the employees even better opportunities for professional development.

“The salary level is of course important, and we are adjusting the remuneration package to ensure we are competitive in the Polish market. But we see that what motivates employees the most is to make sure they are challenged in their daily work and can develop as great programmers. With more than 150 employees we need to have solid programs in this area,” says Waagbø.

A new department for organization development is therefore being formed and an ambitious training program – named “STP Academy” – will be implemented in the fall. The trainings will be based on the development goals identified in the annual development dialogues each employee has with his/her manager.

Also more money is being spent on sending employees to external trainings and conferences, both in Poland and abroad.

The Aftenposten teams meets to discuss the next step in their project. Photo: John Einar Sandvand

The Aftenposten team meets to discuss the next step in their project. Photo: John Einar Sandvand

Written by John Einar Sandvand
Communications Manager - product & tech
Published June 9, 2015