Written by Robert Fijalkowski
Published August 16, 2018

Beyond the Code #12 – Feedback

The art of giving & receiving feedback.

In the ideal world, AN important piece of your work should focus on giving & receiving feedback. But things become complicated when you suddenly face a situation to give a negative feedback to your team member who you really like. In the end, you don’t want to upset or letdown him. on the other hand, not end up in forever-lasting discussion with emotional arguments.

We faced, just like you, all kinds of feedback related situation. We share most common models of giving feedback (and translating theory to practice), as well as necessary elements of a good feedback and, last but not least, few tips to practice sharing your opinions & thoughts on a daily basis.

Listen to the 12th episode

A quick reminder. The idea of Beyond the Code is simple. We would like to focus on different sets of skills that might be useful for software engineers, which are not coding/programming/prototyping, etc. You can expect new episodes, around 30 minutes long, every second Wednesday.

We’ve already published several episodes of our podcast – check them out if you still haven’t :). Please note that we’ve decided to run the podcast in Polish, although we are still planning to invite several foreign guests for episodes recorded in English.

Episode 12 – Feedback

By listening to this episode you will get answers to these questions:

  • which of the mind traps connected to giving feedback are the most common?
  • why taking part in giving feedback workshops is a neat idea?
  • how the theory of feedback types translates to the real situations?

Recorded by:

  • Robert Fijałkowski
  • Mateusz Orłowski
  • Szymon Skórczyński


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Written by Robert Fijalkowski
Published August 16, 2018