Written by Robert Fijalkowski
Published July 18, 2018

Beyond the Code #10 – Passing programming tasks

How to smoothly pass programming tasks given to you during a recruitment process?

You know this feeling. You’ve sent CV, recruiter is calling you back, you’ve finished an interview via phone or in the office. The next step is to finish programming task. Today’s episode is going to help you get through it smoothly & without unforced mistakes.

What & when you should do even before starting working on your task, how you should proceed with filling your knowledge gaps, what commit strategy you should follow, is it worth doing extra things & how to improve your chances while checking your results – we’ve gathered the maximum amount of useful tips, which hopefully should help you to get a job that you’ve decided to get.

Listen to the 10th episode

A quick reminder. The idea of Beyond the Code is simple. We would like to focus on different sets of skills that might be useful for software engineers, which are not coding/programming/prototyping, etc. You can expect new episodes, around 30 minutes long, every second Wednesday.

We’ve already published several episodes of our podcast – check them out if you still haven’t :). Please note that we’ve decided to run the podcast in Polish, although we are still planning to invite several foreign guests for episodes recorded in English.

Episode 11 – Passing programming tasks

By listening to this episode you will get answers to these questions:

  • why starting to work on a programming task on Friday’s night is not the best idea?
  • what kind of mistakes are the most common & how to avoid them?
  • what is pair programming in the recruitment context?


  • (PL) How you should proceed with programming tasks?
  • Pair Programming as a recruitment step
  • Recorded by:

    • Robert Fijałkowski
    • Przemysław Potocki
    • Olaf Gałązka

    Don’t forget to subscribe!

    Written by Robert Fijalkowski
    Published July 18, 2018