Written by Robert Fijalkowski
Published June 20, 2018

Beyond the Code #08 – A trip to San Jose, California

Our story about a trip to this year’s WWDC 2018.

Today’s episode is may be considered as a special one. But going to the WWDC conference is not only a good learning experience, but also quite an interesting story to tell for all kinds of software engineers.

That’s why for today’s episode we’ve invited Michał, who spent the beginning of June in the USA, during the WWDC 2018 conference (but as you will hear in the episode, that’s not the only interesting event happening there).

Listen to the 8th episode

A quick reminder. The idea of Beyond the Code is simple. We would like to focus on different sets of skills that might be useful for software engineers, which are not coding/programming/prototyping, etc. You can expect new episodes, around 30 minutes long, every second Wednesday.

We’ve already published several episodes of our podcast – check them out if you still haven’t :). Please note that we’ve decided to run the podcast in Polish, although we are still planning to invite several foreign guests for episodes recorded in English.

Episode 8 – A trip to San Jose, Californie

By listening to this episode you will get answers to these questions:

  • what is crucial thing you need to have before starting changing something in your project?
  • Why the team with constant “change pushers” is not the greatest idea?
  • How you should approach people without any will to change anything?


  • 00:00:40 – A trip to San Jose
  • 00:05:17 – Our quick thoughts on the new AR Kit
  • 00:08:05 – Apple Labs
  • 00:13:00 – How to get ready for a conference like WWDC
  • 00:16:40 – Why there is so much happening in San Jose during the time of WWDC?
  • 00:22:12 – Big IT companies are fighting with addiction to smartphones
  • 00:29:21 – The summary


  • Layers 2018 – https://layers.is/
  • TrySwift conference – https://www.tryswift.co/events/2018/sanjose/
  • Next! – https://nextdoorconf.com/
  • Altconf – conference for people who couldn’t make it for WWDC 2018 http://altconf.com/
  • Recorded by:

    • Robert Fijałkowski
    • Michał Kasprzyk
    • Michał Apanowicz

    Don’t forget to subscribe!

    Written by Robert Fijalkowski
    Published June 20, 2018