Marek Nogiec
All posts by

Marek Nogiec

Front-end Enthusiast

How to async in JavaScript

I’d like to share with you a few different ways of writing asynchronous code in JavaScript. Whether you’re writing for the browser or building complex Node.js apps you might find some useful tips how to improve the quality and readability of your code either by using popular techniques or some more

Redux. Concept over implementation

redux concept over implementation

Since the concept of adapting MV* architectures to JavaScript never felt quite right, I started dabbling with various Flux implementations. Subsequently I got drawn towards Redux, which in my mind took all the good parts and combined them into a lightweight and easy-to-use solution.

How switching to SVG simplified our work

This is not an article about the pros and cons of using icon fonts vs SVGs. This is however, an article about why migrating to SVG greatly simplified the process of adding and managing the icons used in our common set.