Adrian Kremski
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Adrian Kremski

Android Developer

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Realm Mobile Platform: Offline-first TaskManager app – Authentication

In this part of the series “Realm Mobile Platform: Offline-first TaskManager app”, we are going to implement authentication mechanism in our TaskManager app. The article includes both email and Facebook mechanisms!

Realm Mobile Platform: Android “TaskManager” – Realm Object Server

In this part of the tutorial we are going to learn how to set up our Realm Object Server (launched on Ubuntu 16.04 Amazon EC2 instance) which will provide an automatic data synchronization and authentication for our app.

Realm Mobile Platform: Offline-first TaskManager app – basics of Realm

In this part of the series we are going to focus on implementing basic Realm support to the TaskManager app by using Realm Mobile Database. Part 1: REALM MOBILE PLATFORM: OFFLINE-FIRST TASKMANAGER APP – INTRO Part 3: REALM MOBILE PLATFORM: ANDROID “TASKMANAGER” – REALM OBJECT SERVER Part 4: REALM MOBILE PLATFORM:

Realm Mobile Platform: Offline-first TaskManager app – Intro

This article is the first one in a series of five. Each part will describe the steps of building offline-first TaskManager app with realtime synchronization. Part one is devoted to defining the technology stack and the UI of the app. Part 2: REALM MOBILE PLATFORM: OFFLINE-FIRST TASKMANAGER APP – BASICS

Notifications: From zero to hero Android N* – part 3/3

Android Nougat is here and it’s time to learn how to set up the notifications in this version of the system. The bundled notifications and the possibility of replying to them made them even more useful!

Notifications: From zero to hero Android N* – part 2/3

A notifications guide for all developers who already got the basics. You will learn how to become a pro of the Android notifications. In the 2nd article from the series, we are going to cover Android 5 and 6.

Notifications: From zero to hero Android N* – part 1/3

If you are a newbie to the Android notifications, here are the very essentials you need to know to build them for the Android Platform. Including the definition itself, just to let you start the proper way. The more complex and entertaining ones are coming in part 2 and 3

Working with the Percent Support Library

Google released new Percent Support Library which contains two extra container classes: PercentFrameLayout and PercentRelativeLayout. I want to show you how to work with these layouts which are great in handling percentage-based sizing of widgets.

RecyclerView tested!

RecyclerView is a new widget introduced with the Android Lollipop release. We tested it developing a simple app for managing your tasks.

JobScheduler to the rescue

In mobile development there are moments when an application just must be kept running regardless of the user interaction. Android 5.0 Lollipop brought us a new solution to this topic. Let’s check it!